Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This is written by Baba - Ben  Komada

Every child should have at least one parent.

This was my answer to the basic question of "why do you feel led to adopt?"  There are lots of reasons out there but i think they all come back to the same basic reason.

Without a parent, there is no one to comfort and lean on when a child gets hurt or when they need direction in this world. They are left to find their own, without a moral compass, and are left without some very important assumptions. Assumptions like: there is someone out there that loves them and is looking out for them.

I believe that no matter how dysfunctional our families were, we still know that if we needed to call someone they would pick up the phone. We know where we came from.  And even if our parents didn't do things right we can learn from that while giving them credit for putting a roof over our head and a meal on the table.

I try and imagine what it would be like to have all this basic knowledge blank and I can't bridge that gap. If our first impression of God and His relationship with us is supposed to be based on our relationship to our parents, then an orphan is left alone in this aspect as well.  If life has left you without any close relationships, then I can imagine how hard it would be to believe someone who is telling you, "Someone you never met loves you so much He would allow His son to die just to get closer to you."

I feel blessed that we can do this and with our convictions we can help to mend a big hole in this little girl's life.  The adoption journey has not been easy, but in all things that are hard, the rewards and realizations are deeper and more revealing than those things that are easy.

We get to complete our family and build relationships in a community of people that feel the same. We get to live with and walk with this little girl that has already had an impact on our hearts.

So the money is tough, the waiting is tough, and the paperwork is tough. But - you get to feel like a new parent all over again.  That relationship like no other.  So as complex as this process is, the short term struggle is worth all the long term gain. 

I truly believe that if more people thought of adoption personally instead of "That friend of mine who adopted," this journey would be much more common and there would be a lot less orphans.