Thursday, May 3, 2012

He Calms Our Fears

Important: this was written before we saw Elyse's face.

Adoption is scary.  Let me say that again.  Adoption is SCARY!  We have come up against a number of obstacles that are unique to adoption – some we knew about and others that took us by surprise.   The process (paperwork) was a mountain we knew we’d have to scale.  And then - there was the stranger that came into our home, toured it, and then for 2 weeks straight asked us very personal questions, all in the name of a home study.  Then, there was reaction from friends and family who did not understand why we chose to take this road.  And, of course, that amazing long list of medical conditions that we had to research and decide which we could provide for. These and many more challenges have been on our path.  However, one of the most daunting and scary parts is the finances.  

Yep – I said it.  Money is scary when it comes to adoption.  According to our agency, bringing home our daughter will cost $23,000 - $26,000.  It’s a lot of money.  International adoption in some countries cost much more, and there are a few where the final cost is less.  Oh, and I must be clear when talking adoption and money, at no time are we “buying” our child.  We are paying for NUMEROUS government fees, both Chinese and American, travel costs, and an orphanage donation that helps cover the expense of caring for our daughter.  Anyhow, it is a lot of money, but we knew from the beginning, money was only a small part of this journey.  

We were able to cover the first couple of fees just fine, then – things started moving quickly.  Fees and deposits were coming due and we knew it was time we had to figure out where this money was coming from.  We have plans to eventually apply for grants, but most required completed home studies and dossiers, neither of which we had.  So, we set out to apply for a sizable loan from a Christian Credit Union that provides adoption loans.  This is a great option because they’re able to do it at a lower interest rate, a number that would normally only be available for a secured loan.  So, we took the plunge, knowing we’d pay a lot of it off by next Spring, with assistance that FedEx will give us after the adoption is complete and the government tax refund.  We could do this.  Then, right before signing the loan papers, we realized that the tax assistance was now a credit and not a refund as it has been the past few years.  It gives us a credit towards the income taxes we pay – not the Medicare or FICA taxes, just income taxes.  UGH.  So, I researched and learned that we will see small bits of this “credit” over the next few years, but will NEVER reap the benefit of the full amount. 
So, panic set in.  Oh my heavens – this is a lot of money we’re going to have to pay back over the next few years.  How in the world are we going to make this happen?  We had JUST become comfortable with our current budget (which isn't too big to begin with), but now we’re adding a large loan payment as well as another child.  

And let me be clear – at no time during this did we think of not adopting.  We had a moment of, “maybe we should wait a bit,” but that was immediately set aside as we just KNEW this was the right step at the right time.

So, all this panic sets in on Friday evening.  We work to talk each other through the stresses on Saturday.  (Ben and I are pretty good at taking turns talking each other off the proverbial ledge.)  We keep things in perspective and “know” it will all be worth it in the end, but are still freaking out about the financial implications.

Sunday morning arrives and as usual, we go to church.  Well, during worship time, I begin fervently praying to God for an answer to these struggles, just one answer that will give us peace in this process.  Please just something to let us know – reassure us – that we are in fact following your will and that we are moving in the right direction.  And you know what – I didn’t receive an answer.  I RECEIVED FOUR ANSWERS!  Yep, four!  Here's what became abundantly clear during that 15 minutes of worship:

  • Things that are worth doing are not always easy, but you can do this.  I’m asking you to attend to one of “the least of these” while sacrificing some financial comforts – which will bring blessings as well.
          Luke 12:15 ESV        And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. 

  • This loan is for less than most car loans.  As Americans, we think nothing of the investment of a loan to buy a car.  What about this investment into a child’s life???
          1 John 3:17 ESV      But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

  •  This adventure, journey and ultimate blessing of a daughter will glorify Him to all those around us who are not followers or who are struggling in faith.  A new friend of mine put it well when describing her calling in an email, “I know this is what I was created to do and I am so stoked to see Him glorified through it.”  (Don't you just love someone who can use the words "stoked" and "glorified" in the same sentence?)
          Romans 8:28 ESV   And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
  • Adoption will become more “normal” as more children are adopted.  More parents will see it as a viable way to add to their family.  
         James 1:27    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans & widows in their distress."

Wow – these answers literally washed over me.  I was overwhelmed and the tears began flowing.  At that moment, there was a peace in my soul that I hadn’t experienced for quite awhile.  I was overcome with joy, peace and the undeniable love of a Heavenly Father who has such amazing plans for my family’s lives.  Through tears, I shared these answers with Ben at the end of service, and since then, we’ve walked forward in this journey with so much more peace in our hearts.  



 Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

1 comment:

  1. Good Post Katie...We have had many of the same thoughts and issues, but decided it's now or forever putting it off to wait for the "Right" moment!
